Friday 1 April 2011

My first Blog...

This is my first experience writing a Blog so I dont't know where to start.
Maybe I should write about my interests in writing or something like that, but in this case this is part of an assignment that my teacher of English asked me to do, so I'll tell you something about me.
Well my name is Mariabelén Pozo. Yes, probably you are thinking that my name is incorrectly written, that I've made some mistake, but the truth is that this is the correct way. The story behind this is that my mother didn't want that the people call me only for my fisrt name María, so she decided to put  the two names together.
My life is pretty common, I'm 20 years old and I live with my parents and my two brothers in Peñalolén.  
I'm studying sociology in the University of Chile, and in my weekends I go to a curse of "cut and confection of clothes" in an institute called Crearte.
In general I dont't like write beside the papers for the school, and I'm not very good at that. But that's because I think that this excercise will help me to practice. 

Until my next post!



  1. HELLO!!!!!
    i loved the part where you tell the story of your name!!!! Seems that your mother never thought that people could tell you "Belen" and forget of "Maria" :D
    I think that when you finish your cusre of "cut and confection of clothes" i'm going to ask you for a pretty skirt, what do you think?
    see you at school!

  2. :D! Niceeee post! I love your explication about your name too jajaja it's very funny
    wow I don't know that you go to class of cut and confection of clothes, that must be very exhausting for you, I wish luck in everything that you do :D
